Ramadan Moubarak 2018

Ramadan Moubarak 2018

According the the decision of Imam councils in Quebec, Ramadan starts on Thursday May 17th, 2018. May Allah accept your fasting.

  • Taraweeh prayers is held daily and start 5 minutes after the athaan.
  • An Iftar is served daily at Maghreb time.
Ramadan Moubarak (2015)

Ramadan Moubarak (2015)

Ramadan Moubarak

Praise be to Allah. It is almost a consensus across the Islamic world to start Ramadan together. This is a blessing from Allah.

The first day of Ramadan will be this Thursday June 18th, 2015. May Allah reward you all and accept your fasting

Ramadan 2014 Moubarak

Ramadan 2014 Moubarak

As-Salam 3alaykoum,
Ramadan announcement will be declared on Friday June 27th, 2014 after Maghreb prayers (9.00 pm).

On behalf of Masjid As-Salam administration, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all, and your families, a very blessed Ramadan. May Allah Taala make it easy for us, change the conditions of Muslims around the world to the best, bringing the obedience of Allah, faith and safety, peace and prosperity to all Muslims and to accept our fast, prayers, recitations and all of our good deeds in this holy month of Ramadan and beyond, and to continue to shower us with His mercy and blessings.

Please don’t forget to support and include in your duaa all our brothers and sisters who are struggling to change in many places around the world and those who are either suffering under occupation or confronting famine and hardship.
Ramadan Mubarak and best wishes to you all.

Ramadan Moubarak: Wednesday July 10th, 2013

Montreal’s Muslim Community is preparing for the month of Ramadan. “Ramadan is a spiritually uplifting and joyous occasion for all Muslims,” said Salam Elmenyawi, president of MCM. “It is a time for Muslims to look inward at their hearts, to see how we can better serve God and all of humanity. Restraining from food and drink during the fast helps to open one’s heart to those in need, to engender compassion and mercy towards others, as well as to increase gratitude and appreciation for all of one’s blessings.”

“Ramadan is also a good opportunity for Canadians to learn more about Islam and Muslims and to help build bridges of understanding and respect in the community.”

Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, with the other four being the declaration of faith, daily prayers, alms giving and the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Those fasting arise before dawn to partake in a pre-dawn meal called suhoor and the fast is broken at sunset with a meal called iftar. In addition to increased acts of worship and charity, Muslims also offer supererogatory evening prayers at the mosque, each night of the month.

The end of Ramadan is marked by the celebration of the Islamic holiday of Eid-al-Fitr. This is one of the two major celebrations of the Islamic year, the other being Eid-al-Adha, which commemorates the annual pilgrimage to Mecca.

A dream … A vision … A reality

A dream … A vision … A reality

Salam alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakato my dear brothers and sisters,

this may be the most important and ambitious project our Montreal Muslim community has ever experienced, AND YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO HELP.
We have to pay $200,000 by the end of April 2013. We count on Allah then on your help and contribution.
Although I sincerely urge you to read the entire email, just in case you’re in a hurry please click on the following link and DONATE GENEROUSLY (>>100$). May Allah reward you. A tax receipt would be issued to all donors.
If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us: admin@salam-mosque.org or 514-545-5466 / 438-402-8339.

Alhamdulilah, by the Grace and Mercy of Allah, we have finally received the greatest opportunity our Montreal Muslim community has ever seen:


Best Approach

We can’t make this on our own, so the Muslim community has chosen YOU for some monumental tasks, that will ultimately affect the outcome of this intiative:
  1. First of all, go to your families (e.g. your parents, uncles, etc.) and politely convince them to donate 1000$. I’ve been active in the Muslim community for a while, and I can tell you we EASILY have 500 families that can donate 1000$ each. For most of them, 1000$ is nothing compared to what they actually have, and I’m not asking for their entire savings like what the sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them) used to give. Just 1000$ from each family. Of course, the more the merrier.
  2. Second of all, send this email out to all your friends and families, and encourage them to purify their wealth by donating 1000$ as well. Kindly ask them to spread the word and ask their own friends to do the same.
  3. Third of all, put your money where your mouth is, and donate yourself. InshAllah I believe, and expect, from every individual to be able to donate AT LEAST 100$.

It is extremely easy to give !

  • And what is 100$? I promise you, most of the people, if not EVERYONE have at least a 100$ to spare in their account.
  • SubhanAllah, 100$ is EASILY how much people spend in two weeks eating out in restaurants.
  • Can’t we all make the sincere intention, for the sake of Allah, to just eat in FOR TWO WEEKS just to afford OUR MUSLIM COMMUNITY a great place to worship Allah for YEARS TO COME?
  • Why has it become so difficult to just open our bank account and just donate; just spending from what we have for the sake of Allah?

Have our hearts become so attached to this dunya that all we think about is
how we can save money to sustain and enjoy ourselves?

Let me tell you something, and pay very close attention: RIZQ AND HAPPINESS IS FROM ALLAH ALONE. IF YOU WISH TO PROSPER, IF YOU WISH TO BE HAPPY, THEN REACH FOR ALLAH IN THE FORM OF CHARITY, AND ALLAH WILL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WISH FOR. I promise you, there’s a law in this world that you will NOT find in any economics book: spend in the path of Allah, and Allah will increase your wealth in this life AND the next.

So what are you waiting for?

Follow the link, click donate, and give what you can. You are donating to Allah, the Supreme, the Majestic, the Provider. You are donating for the community. And ultimately, you are donating for your heart.
O Allah, Changer of hearts, set our hearts upon Your Faith. Ameen.
If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us: admin@salam-mosque.org or 514-545-5466
Barak Allah fiekum
Salam alaikum
your brother in Islam